Keeper of the Flame





George Lewis was born in New Orleans at the turn of the 20th Century. It was a perfect time and place for someone of his natural talent to come into this world, no other city had as rich a musical life as that which moved through the streets of New Orleans, and George Lewis arrived there just as it all came together and blossomed in to jazz.

This boxed set contains 127 recorded instances of George Lewis spreading the joy of traditional jazz on both sides of the Atlantic.

You will hear his band, with great keepers of the flame like trombonist Jim Robinson, trumpeters Avery “Kid” Howard and Percey Humphrey, legendary bassist Alcide “Slow Drag” Pavageau, banjo veteran Lawrence Marrero, Papa Bue's Viking Jazz Band, and singers Lizzie Miles and Monette Moore.

Together, it captures the essence of the historic 1950s New Orleans Revival. This is the Box that traditional jazzfans have been waiting for!


Presentation of box content:
