He graduaded from The Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus 1996 as saxofonist. 1996-97 he studied at The New School in New York and took lessons with George Garcone, David Liebman, Joe Lovano and Chris Potter. Summer 1998 he got his Diploma from The Rhythmic Conservatory in Copenhagen. January 2000 Mads Hansen recieved a 2-year Scholarship for Performing Artists from the Danish Artfoundation and was nominated at Jazz Grammy 2000 in the categori: “The new name of the year in Danish Jazz”. Mads Hansen has played in many different jazz, funk and rockbands. Since 1997 he has been working on his own music and with his own band; Mads Hansen Group. 1999 he recorded his first solo-cd Mads Hansen “My Standards” (STCD 4231) and only a year after, December 2000 his second cd “Grooves” (STUCD 00222) was on the marked. 2004 he released his third cd “Doorbell” with Mads Hansen Trio and 2006 “I LOVE JAM” with Mads Hansen J.A.M.

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