“Henrik Frisk shifts rapidly to and fro – pushing and creating dancing rhythms… let it go – take off with the band… drums tense and restrained… bass taut and getting tighter… less is more – no-one’s giving it away… hang on – this is jazz… without the cliches… turned around and fresh… Gary Thomas breaks first with blistering sax flashes… Frisk waits… a few apparently random notes… steadily pushing the sax to its screaming limits… cue Anders Mogensen – the big drum sound – on the attack and on its toes… essential… Gary Thomas’ ruthless efficiency – mellowed by Frisk’s more tentative gestures… vital interplay between tenors… beautiful – vivid – tender… beneath rolls the ever-moving melodious bass of Mike Formanek… potential… this band has it”… loose quotes from Erik Centerwall Stockholm, Sweden, April 16, 1997